Pre-School Funding


1140 Hours Funding

Building Blocks Nursery works in partnership with Fife Council. This means you can use your nursery funding allowance for your children at Building Blocks Nursery.

In fact, you can use the funded nursery allowance in a variety of ways. You can:

  • Attend only for your child’s funded hours at private nursery and top up if required.
  • Split the time between council and private nursery.
  • Use all the free nursery hours at council nursery, and book private nursery for additional days.

It is a common misconception that council funded nursery time must be used at a council nursery. However, this is not the case, you can use your council funded hours at Building Blocks Nursery.

If you attend Building Blocks Nursery already, we will provide you with the funding forms, which lets your local council know which sessions you are attending at Building Blocks Nursery. Click below to download a copy of the application form

Childcare Vouchers

Our nursery does accept Childcare Vouchers. These are a simple, straightforward way to pay for quality childcare. Childcare Vouchers are an employee benefit available to all eligible working parents whose employers run the scheme. Childcare Vouchers are available to both basic and high rate tax payers.
We accept many different types of vouchers, see below some examples:

  • Care 4
  • Computershare
  • RG Childcare
  • Edenred
  • Kiddivouchers
  • Fidelti
  • Sodexo
  • Tax Free Childcare
  • Vouchers via HMRC

Childcare Fund Support

You can also benefit from the Higher Education Childcare Fund, particularly if you’re a lone parent or mature student. Support from this fund is discretionary, administered by institutions themselves, and is only available to meet the costs of formal/registered childcare. You should contact your university or college for more information.

Nursery Funding FAQs

Going to nursery can be a big step for your child – and for you. That’s why we want to make the transition as simple as possible.

If you have any questions about nursery funding, we will be happy to answer them for you. If it isn’t answered here, contact us with your questions.

Can I use free nursery hours at private nursery?
Yes. You can send your child to private nursery, covered by free nursery hours, or split the time between council and private nursery.
How many free nursery hours am I entitled to?

At Building Blocks Nursery, we can offer 1140 hours of funded nursery time each year.

Am I limited to 1140 hours?
No. You can book additional time at Building Blocks Nursery on top of the free nursery hours.
How flexible are you?

As a private nursery, we can offer much more flexibility than council nurseries – where you may have to accept the days and times you are assigned.

How do I book my child into Building Blocks Nursery?

Contact us to arrange a visit. This lets you meet the staff, see the nursery building and gives your child a chance to get used to things.

We’re looking forward to meeting you at Building Blocks Nursery.

Book a Visit

Parent/Carer Full Name*
User e-mail*
Child's Name*
Child's Date of Birth*
Preferred Viewing Date*
Childcare Required*
Expected Start Date*


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